Friday, October 8, 2010

Frequently asked questions!!

We have resisted doing a BLOG for a long time, but we have had so many inquiries on the status of our new location that we felt this would be a good time to get one going!

We are so excited to announce to you that The Bone Adventure is opening a second location!  We have acquired an acre of property that used to be Flowerdale Nurseries at 2700 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa.  

Why a Second Location?
One question you might ask is “Why open a second location in this economy?” The one thing that we have discovered over the past seven years in business and through the past few years of recession is that for most of our clients, dog daycare is not considered to be a luxury item.  Most of our daycare clients are hard working professionals, either married or single, who work long and hard hours (especially in this economy) and need our help to make sure they have a well balanced dog who is socialized and gets the proper exercise.  Our clients also realize that they need balance in their life, too.  The days their dog comes to The Bone are the days that they can go to the gym after work, catch an early dinner with friends, or catch a few waves at the beach.

Even with this recession, people still need to go home for Christmas, see Grandma on Thanksgiving, and take the kids camping for a week.  We found that vacations are shorter, but people still need to get away and they still need to leave their dog with someone they trust.  The Bone has felt the recession, but we have been growing and we need more space! 

Finally, if you look at Orange County you will find that the junction near the 73, 55, and 405 freeways is a prime location for busy people traveling to work each day.  This location will allow us to draw clients from a wider geography than we do with our current location.   

Tell me about the new location…
So, here is the scoop on the new place:  It is amazing!!  A huge backyard with lovely trees providing shade, 20,000 feet of K9 Grass (synthetic sod made specifically for canines!), a bone shaped 18” deep salt water pool with a cascading waterfall, crawling tunnels, and 25 parking spaces!  And that’s just what we have done so far!!!!!

We have a lot of plans for the future like a suite of hotel rooms (we will open the doors doing cage free boarding) and a lap type swimming pool. But we can’t wait for all of this before we open the doors, so we will be developing this location like we did to The Bone Home (our original location).

Who on the staff is going to the new location?
Another burning question:  What managers are going to the new location?  The fact that the locations are so close together will keep our company from getting fragmented.  Kristin will initially go over to the new location to get it up and running, but by January, all of our managers and dog handlers will have experience at both locations.  We will train all of our employees at both locations, so you will not see a difference in the level of service.

Are you closing the original location?
“Why don’t you just close the first location since the new one is so much bigger and will offer so much more?”   We have NO plans to close our original location, in fact we are sprucing it up…(Have you have noticed the mural on our backyard wall?)  We are also going to create a more home-like environment in the blue room… We believe that there is a business that can be developed at both locations.  Each one will take on its own personality.  There is no question that the new location has more room to run and allow a puppy to be a puppy.  However there is also no question that your dog will get more one on one human time at the original location.  It’s a smaller, more neighborhood type of place….think of it like the “Cheers” Bar….”you want to go where every (doggie) knows your name!!!”  Once both locations are open, we will work with our customers to develop both locations to be the best they can be.

Will there be different pricing at each location? Are you increasing your prices?
The good news for you is that you will now have two locations to take your dog to play.  When you purchase a pass, you can use it at any location.  Our pricing will be the same at each location, so you can decide each day where you want to take your dog.  It will probably be good for most dogs to mix it up a little.

The other good news is that we have decided not to increase prices for daycare or our packages, even though we have not increased prices since 2006.  We are going to increase our boarding prices to non package clients, so it makes sense to get on a daycare pass, even if you do mostly boarding.

Will you duplicate your safety standards at the new location?
Of course!  We have built a FORTRESS at the new location.  There is now a block wall on three sides of our site.  In addition, there is a six foot high fence spanning the entire front of the property.  We are also implementing our famous double gate system, so you can rest assured that your dog will be safe.

We want to hear from you!!!
We are so excited to get the dogs in and start interviewing new pups into this beautiful new space.  As always, we will be offering interviews every day of the week, so please call to set one up!!